CAli*MA • Social Media

To have a strong social media presence is inevitable for an artist to increase awareness for his or her artwork. Out of all social platforms, Facebook and Instagram are best for art. They are highly interactive (likes, comments, and shares) and promote far more direct contact between artists and art lovers than other ones. That's why CAli*MA is engaged in these two.

Photo: Adem Ay via Unsplash
Photo: Adem Ay via Unsplash

How to begin? Start by reflecting on who you want to be and what you want to do on social media. For example: Do you want just a Facebook profile or also your very own Facebook page and Facebook group?

Stay authentic, it keeps you motivated. Dedicate time to developing and maintaining your profile. Content on social media must be created from a place of passion to succeed. Use hashtags and geotags to make your content more discoverable but use them sparingly and purposefully.

Sounds complicated? Alternatively, you can put your social media presence in our hands. Let's talk!

CAli*MA is based in Luxor, Egypt.
If you are interested in our social media service
make an appointment.
The first personal briefing is free.

Claudia Ali


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